Punjabi baby boy names starting with C

Here is a list of Punjabi baby boy names starting with C. We have listed boy names starting with C on this page. If we have omitted any names that you know of please send it to us with its meaning.

These names have been taken from secondary sources and could be wrongly projected, therefore please recheck with friends and your family members before naming your child.

Punjabi baby Girl Names

Punjabi Baby Boy Names Starting with- C

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
U= Unique, C= Common, VC= Very Common
Name Gender Meaning
Chamkaurboy Battle field where Guru Gobind Singh fought
Charanboy Feet; A humble person; God's feet
Charanjeetboy Winning the service of Guru's Lotus Feet
Charanjotboy Light of Guru's Lotus Feet
Charanpal boyProtection under the Guru's Lotus Feet
Charanpreet boyOne Who Loves Lords Feet
Chitleen boyOne absorbed in awareness
Crishdeep boyMoonrise
Charudehi boySon Of Lord Sun
Charith boyHistory
Charanvir boyOne Who Is Fast On Feet And Brave.

Please comment on the above names. Please point out any errors & also please tell us how common / unique these punjabi baby boy names are