Malayali baby girl names starting with S

Here is a list of Malayali baby girl names starting with S. We have listed girl names starting with S on this page. If we have omitted any names that you know of please send it to us with its meaning.

These names have been taken from secondary sources and could be wrongly projected, therefore please recheck with friends and your family members before naming your child.

Malayali Baby Girl Names Starting with- S

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Name Gender Meaning
Sabina girlBeautiful
Sadhna girlWorship; Long Practice/study
Sandhya girlEvening; Sundown; Twilight; Dusk
SitagirlWife of Lord Rama
Sangita girlMusic; Musical
Sanjana girlGentle
Sapna girlDream
Sara girlPrecious; Princess; Pure; Excellent; Pleasant
Sarahgirl Princess; Pure; Excellent; Pleasant
Saritagirl River
Sarmilagirl Shy; Happy; Modest; Variant of 'Sharmila'
Sarojinigirl Lotus
Savita girlSun
Savitri girlGoddess Saraswati; A river
Seema girlBoundary; Limit
Shabanagirl Decorated
Shalini girlModesty
Shanta girlPeaceful
Shanti girlPeace; The tranquil one
Sheeba girlPromise; Oath
Sheetalgirl Cool
Shikha girlFlame
Shilpa girlStone; Well-proportioned
Shivani girlGoddess Parvati
Shobha girlFortunate; Attractive; Splendour
Shobhanagirl Splendid; Shining; Glowing; The beautiful one
Shruti girlExpert in Vedas
Simran girlRemembrance; Meditation
Sita girlThe wife of Lord Rama; Daughter of Janak
Smitagirl Smile; Ever smiling lady
Smritigirl Memory: Recollection
Sneha girlAffectionate; Love
Sofia girl Wisdom, Wise, sagacious.
Sona girlGold
Sonu girlFamiliar with gold; Beloved
Subhasinigirl Well-spoken
Suchita girlPurity; Beautiful
Sudha girlNectar
Sukanya girlBeautiful Girl; Comely
Sunita girlOne with good morals
Supriya girlBeloved
Surabhi girlWish-yielding cow; Fragrance; Beauty
Sushmita girlGood Smile
Swapnagirl Dream; Dream Like
Swarnagirl Gold
Swati girlName of a star; a nakshatra
SaryugirlRiver Sharayu
Shweta girlFair complexioned
SaryugirlRiver Sharayu
Shweta girlFair complexioned
Satya girlTruth
SejalgirlRiver Water
Shama girlA Flame
Sheen girl Brightness
ShinagirlVirtue; Good
ShonigirlOne of Complexion of Red Lotus
ShreegirlGoddess Lakshmi
Sonal girl Golden
SoniagirlBeautiful; Golden
SuryagirlSun God
Swahagirl Wife of Agni; The Lord of the Fire
SwetagirlFair Complexioned

Please comment on the above names. Please point out any errors & also please tell us how common / unique these malayali baby girl names are