Christian Baby Girl Names starting with M

Here is a list of Christian Baby Girl Names starting with M. We have listed both boys and girls names starting with M on this page. If we have omitted any names that you know of please send it to us with its meaning.

These names have been taken from secondary sources and could be wrongly projected, therefore please recheck with friends and your family members before naming your child.

Christian Baby Girl Names

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P |Q |R | S | T | U | V | W | X |Y | Z

Christian Baby Girl Names Starting with- M

Name Gender Meaning Type
Magdalene girl a person from Magdala. U
Mara girl Dance U
Marah girl bitter; bitterness. U
Martha girl who becomes bitter; provoking. C
Mary girl rebellion; sea of bitterness. VC
Mercy girl compassion, forebearance. C
Merry girl joyful, lighthearted. VC
Michal girl who is perfect?; who resembles God? C
Miriam girl rebellion. U
Myra girl I flow; pour out; weep. U
Maranda girl She who must be admiredU
Marcela girl Little Marcus U
Marcella girl Little Marcus U
Marci girl QueenU
Marcia girlmelodyU
Marcie girl From the god Mars U
Marcy girl Wished-For ChildU
Maren girl From the god Mars; of the seaU
Margaret girlperfect oneU
Margarita girl Pearl U
Margie girl Mary the BeautifulU
Margo girl Pearl U
Mari girl bitterU
Maria girl Uncertain, maybe bitterC
Mariah girlrejoiceC
Mariam girl Uncertain, maybe bitterU
Marian girl cause of joyU

Please comment on the above names. Please point out any errors & also please tell us how common / unique these christian girl baby names are