Muslim Baby Boy names starting with Y

Here is a list of Muslim Baby Boy names starting with Y. We have listed both boys and girls names starting with Y on this page. If we have omitted any names that you know of please send it to us with its meaning.

These names have been taken from secondary sources and could be wrongly projected, therefore please recheck with friends and your family members before naming your child.

Muslim Baby Boy names Starting with- Y

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
U= Unique, C= Common, VC= Very Common
Name Gender Meaning Type
Yafi boy A narrator of hadith. U
Yaghnam boy A narrator of hadith. U
Yahya boy A Prophets name (John) C
Yaman boy Good tidings C
Yameen boy Oath, right hand, right wing (of the army). C
Yaqeen boy Belief. U
Yaqoot boy Precious stone. C
Yaqub boy A Prophets name (Jacob) C
Yar boy Friend. C
Yasar, Yasser boy Wealth, comfort, ease C
Yaseen boy but all these huroof are the most precious words for a muslim. C
Yasir boy Wealthy C
Yathrib boy Former name of the city of Madinnah. C
Yawar boy Helping. C
Yazan boy Od Arabic name C
Yazid, Yazeed boy God will increase, enhance C
Youssef, Yusef, Yusuf boy To increase (in power and influence); a Prophets name (Joseph) U
Yuhannis boy The name of a freed salve of Zubair. U
Yunus boy A Prophet's Name. U
Yunus, Yoonus boy A Prophets name (Jonah) U
Yushua boy God saves U
Yusr boy Ease, Convenience. U
Yusri boy Well to do, wealthy U
Yusuf boy A Prophets name (Joseph) U
Yaeesh boy Bin Al-jahm was a Narrator of Hadith U
Yaqana boy Unique; Unprecedented U

Please comment on the above names. Please point out any errors & also please tell us how common / unique these muslim baby boy names are